"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."
- Luciano Pavarotti

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inject Some Oomph Into Your Chicken

Although the ways to service chicken are endless, some of us can fall into a chicken rut. What I mean by this is sometimes we can forget about the poultry possibilities and serve plainly cooked chicken with an equally as plain side dish.

One day I decided to get out of my chicken rut and search for exciting recipes online. As I am also a huge mexican food fan, I was elated to find a recipe for Jalapeno Guacamole Chicken. I was eager to spruce up my dose of protein and tried the recipe right away! It was super easy to make and delicious too!

To keep on track with my efforts to eat healthier, I altered some of the cooking directions. Rather than pan frying the chicken, you can bake it in the oven or grill it. You can also substitute regular cheddar cheese with low-fat cheddar cheese. For someone who is not a fan of heat, this recipe works just as well without the jalapenos. Although avocado's have a high fat content, it is an essential fat that serves as a great antioxidant and has vast benefits for heart and overall body health. So, other than the fact that avocados are super yummy it would be a healthy choice to leave them in the recipe.

I hope I've inspired you to give your chicken a boost, if not with this recipe than with some other! Bon appetite!

Image taken from: http://www.jalapenomadness.com/recipe_jalapeno_guacamole_chicken.html
