"One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."
- Luciano Pavarotti

Monday, March 1, 2010

One Of My Fave Bloggers...

I have a secret...I'm in an online relationship. Me and my online love were brought together by none other than Google. How it happened is quite simple. One day I "Googled" the words "popular fashion blogs" and I became introduced to my online love - The Sartorialist.

I am going to say this is a blog produced by Scott Schuman and not written by him (although he does write the text that appears on the blog) because the essence of the blog is not so much what he writes but the pictures he produces and then posts. By simply looking at the name of the blog you can guess what it is about. Schuman uses this space to convey his interest in the tailoring of clothing. He does not concentrate on what is trendy at the moment but instead highlights individuals who can wear something (not particularly trendy) and give off a certain aura. Therefore, his blog is not so much about fashion as it is about style.

Schuman reverts most often to traditional fashion hubs to photograph his muses. These include places such as Manhattan, Milan, Paris, London and so forth. While he has shot the likes of famous people such as Kanye West, Mila Jovovich, and Olivia Palermo, Schuman is more likely to photograph random people who have caught his eye. Sometimes he meets people that are so inspirational to him that he will photograph them over and over.

In 2009, "The Sartorialist" was released as a book. Like his blog, the book contains few words and it is left up to the viewer to derive whatever they do from the images. I've been told that Schuman purposefully avoids text descriptions of most of his images because he does not want to taint the viewers opinions with his thoughts.

Named one of Time Magazine's Top 100 Design Influencers, Schuman's blog, The Sartorialist, is an excellent place to visit for style inspiration. Regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation...The Sartorialist caters to all. Definately worth checking this one out!

1 comment:

  1. This is also my long standing favorite fashion blog.

    You should also check out stillinberlin , bryanboy , facehunter and stylites which focuses on street fashion in Beijing!

